

When your organisation has a specialist audience interested in dedicated and specific content a mobile app can make a big difference.

You can deliver your customers a holistic and integrated experience that fully capitalises on the advanced capabilities of today’s smartphones. An app can establish a navigation plan built around the needs of the specialist information. Then, utilising advanced visualisation and presentation techniques such a animation, video, maps, location services and 3D environments can invigorate the experience of your users to create a must-have tool.

Whether your dedicated audience is bush walkers, anglers or ophthalmic clinicians, they have particular needs regarding the information they need to access and they way they want it to be presented. Often the audience’s needs extend beyond the information itself. For bush walkers and anglers heading to remote locations in Tasmania, far from the reaches of network coverage, having access and regulation information at your fingertips is a godsend. For ophthalmic clinicians, an app can mean having a veritable toolbox of optical testing tools in your pocket or fast access to common treatments and solutions.

Getbusi has the technical skills and engineering background needed to translate your complex domain data into an intuitive and enriching experience for your end users.

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Success Story

The Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service logo

The Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service wanted a new Angler Diary feature to be added to their mobile app. An angler diary has long been recognised as a way that anglers can record where, when and how they have fished. This enables anglers to reflect, gather information and build knowledge that they can use to plan successful fishing trips.

Integrating with the latest Infish App, we added features to web and mobile platforms to enable anglers to log in with their licence information and record their fishing effort and catch as they go and use it for future reference. The information provided will also help manage and maintain the fishery.

The Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service screenshots

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